Tip on How to Pass a Urine Drug Test

Urine test is one of the tests done to detect any illegal drug in your system. When you have a scheduled urine test with a Drug Treatment Centre there are few techniques that you can use to pass the test.
This is the first step towards establish the extend at which someone has been intoxicated with drugs. It help doctor to know the scope of drug detox program that will best suit your profile based on laboratory test.
However, preparation is key here. There are some factors you need to put into consideration before going for the best.
1. Time
Time is of essence when preparing for this test. You need to know how much time you have before going for the best. If you have 5 days or 1 day to go, you will not have as much time
2. Your weight
Exercising is good but tries and avoid burning fat just a day before going for the best as this may cause fat cells to be in your urine.
3. Cost implication
Consider the amount of the money at your disposal as this will influence the kind of detox you will afford.
Tips on how to pass urine drug test
Home dilution
You can buy ingredients in the shop, mix them and use them at home. Some diuretic include green tea that you can take with sugar. This will prepare your body for the test in good time
Burning fats and sweating has a way of releasing traces of drugs from your body. This has been proven to work especially for drugs such as cocaine. If you have the necessary finances, you can also go for sauna as this also clean your body
There are some gels that you can use to clean your digestive track and leave no traces of drugs. The best recommendation is to take it a day before and the morning of the test. In severe cases the gel can cause diarrhoea but do not stop from using for the greater benefit
Special pills
There are some pills that that reduce chances of drug detection in your body. However, do not overdo the pills because they can affect your stomach.
The recommendation for the pills is to take them few hours before the test.
Baking soda
Baking soda prevents the kidneys from releasing elements of any drug that maybe in circulation in the body. Avoid taking too much of the baking soda, few table spoons will serve the purpose and your urine reduces the chances of drug detection in your blood.
Take lots of fluids
Water cleans your kidneys and dilutes your urine thus helps you pass your tests easily. You can take more glasses of water days before the test so that your body is well prepared
Detox drink
You can also purchase a detox drink to clean your body and flush out any toxins that maybe existent in the body.
Eat a balanced diet
Take various kind of foods that add nutrients to your body; including starch, proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, juices etc. This will help you stay healthy through out
Drug testing can be a scary exercise especially when you have never visited addiction recovery centre but there is no scare you can easily pass your urine test with this tips.