Spine Disorders That Spine Surgeons Address

How would you know you have a spinal disorder? If you have one, you will have symptoms such as neck and back pain, nausea, bladder dysfunction, and abnormally rounded shoulders. Failure to treat your condition could result in paralysis. Luckily, doctors at Alliance Spine Associates, LLC manage the issue through occupational therapy and surgery where necessary.
Generally, spine disorders have common symptoms, but we need to identify them. After doing so, you will understand which symptoms are unique to each. Without further ado, here are five spinal disorders that surgeons treat.
Spinal Stenosis
This condition affects patients differently in its early stages. Some people may have no symptoms, while others experience muscle weakness, pain, and numbness. With time, the symptoms worsen if you do not seek immediate medical attention.
First, doctors will manage the condition by administering drugs such as opioids, antidepressants, and anti-seizure drugs. Meanwhile, you will also be attending physiotherapy sessions. Surgeons will only consider surgery if medications and physiotherapy do not work effectively.
This condition typically affects children and people with muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy. In its mild stages, you can correct the condition with braces. If you do not treat the condition in time, you could become disabled.
Scoliosis is very limiting, thanks to its pain and limitation of movement. Thankfully, you can reduce its symptoms by exercising. Some of the best exercises to consider include cat-camel, bird-dog stretches, prone plank, and pelvic tilts.
Spinal Cord Tumor
A spinal cord tumor may begin in the spinal cord’s cells (e.g., gliomas) or the membrane surrounding the spinal cord. In its earliest stages, you will experience pain that starts at the back and spreads to your arms, hips, and feet. Soon, you will experience other symptoms, such as loss of bowel or bladder function, muscle weakness, and reduced pain sensitivity.
The surgeon’s preferred treatment for this condition is surgery. If the doctor is unable to remove the tumor surgically, they will consider radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Sometimes, the surgeon may employ both treatment methods simultaneously.
People with this condition have weak bones, which means they can break their vertebrae, wrists, or hips anytime. In extreme cases, a sneeze or cough is enough to break your bones. As soon as you break a bone, you will immediately experience pain.
Since this condition weakens your bones, you need medications such as Romosozumab and Teriparatide to improve bone density. Remember, medication is not enough to manage the condition. You still need to exercise and eat foods high in calcium and vitamin D.
Spinal Infection
The symptoms differ depending on what kind of infection you have. If you have discitis, you will experience pain with spine movement, while meningitis causes swelling around the brain and spine. You should treat a spinal infection immediately because you could wind up paralyzed or dead.
First, doctors will consider nonsurgical means such as antifungal therapy to treat your condition. They will consider surgery if your spine is unstable or display neurological deficits. After surgery, you should expect several follow-ups from your doctor.
Did you know that most spinal disorders are self-inflicted? You can avoid them by getting a firm mattress, not slouching, and being physically active. If you want to know about other preventive measures, you can visit your spine doctor.
Unfortunately, some spinal issues result from heredity, such as lumbar disc disease. That means preventive measures may not be enough. Nevertheless, you can still get treatment if you are aware of its symptoms, such as pain after lifting things. Therefore, it is important not to ignore your symptoms, thinking they will disappear since you may become sicker.
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