PTSD and Treatment Options
Post-Terrible Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can occur after seeing or experiencing a traumatic incident. Many factors can trigger this disease, including seeing a death, being involved in a battle, or being involved in an automobile accident.
People with this condition experience a variety of symptoms, the most frequent of which are flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, sadness, and changes in how they sleep or eat. Persons suffering from PTSD may try to avoid locations or people that remind them of the experience.
The disease may make life extremely tough for a person. Every day may be a struggle for those suffering from PTSD, whether it’s because their interactions with other people make them feel alone or because it’s difficult for them to work. Counseling services provide people with several options for dealing with their challenges.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
The purpose of this treatment is to modify the negative ideas and beliefs that might arise following a traumatic occurrence. People suffering from PTSD may have recurring nightmares, flashbacks, and recollections. Because these recollections may be so unpleasant, people may begin to avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma. CBT assists people in dealing with trauma in a less distressing manner and challenges their negative beliefs about themselves and the world. People may feel less powerless, safer, and more hopeful as a result of this.
CBT can also assist people in coping with the difficulties of daily life. Some circumstances might drive people to gradually begin visiting locations and seeing people they previously avoided.
Therapy With Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR was developed in the 1980s to assist persons suffering from PTSD in dealing with its symptoms. EMDR is founded on the premise that when we experience a traumatic incident, our brains get overloaded with information and are unable to absorb it appropriately. This can result in tension, flashbacks, and nightmares. The purpose of EMDR treatment is to assist the brain in dealing with these memories and alleviating the symptoms that accompany them.
The therapist will take the client through a sequence of eye movements, noises, or tapping sensations while they are thinking about a specific memory or incident. Other types of patients have also reported feeling less sad and worried after receiving this type of intensive treatment. Because it integrates CBT and body-based treatment, several therapists have turned to EMDR more recently.
Psychotherapy Through the Internet
Even if your PTSD makes leaving the house difficult, you may still obtain treatment because more programs are now available online. MellaHealth, which provides online counseling in Connecticut, is one of these places. The clinic’s PTSD therapy aims to provide you with all of the assistance and solutions you need to live a happier, healthier life. Following a consultation, they will put you in touch with an expert who can assist you.
PTSD is difficult to cope with since it may harm you in a variety of ways. However, there are treatments available, even at home. If you are ready to find a way to live that provides you with serenity, contact MellaHealth now.