How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep During Alcohol Detox
The first few days of your alcohol detox can be pretty rough, especially when it comes to sleep. While you’re going through your body’s withdrawal from alcohol, you may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night, and you might wake up feeling tired during the day because of it. If you want to avoid feeling groggy and help your body recover more quickly, it’s important to know how to get a good night’s sleep during alcohol detox at addiction rehab.
Reduce Caffeine Intake
Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it can make it harder for you to fall asleep. If you’re trying to detox from alcohol, you should avoid caffeine altogether. If you can’t go cold turkey, try to limit your intake to one cup of coffee per day.
Exercise Regularly
One of the best things you can do for your sleep is to exercise regularly. Exercise helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. It also promotes deeper, more restful sleep. Plus, regular exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can also interfere with sleep.
Take Vitamins
It is essential for people in alcohol detox to take vitamins, as their bodies are going through a lot of changes. Vitamins help the body heal and repair itself, and they can also help boost energy levels. Taking a multivitamin every day is a good way to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need.
Remind Yourself to Go To Bed
It can be easy to forget to go to bed when you’re trying to recover from an addiction, but it’s important to remind yourself that sleep is crucial for your health. Try setting an alarm or putting a note by your bed to remind yourself to go to sleep at a reasonable hour.
Practice Good Sleep Hygiene
Just like with any other type of sleep disorder, the first step in fixing your sleep habits is to practice good sleep hygiene. This means making sure your sleeping environment is dark, quiet, and cool; avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed; and establishing a regular sleep schedule.
Consider Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT can be very helpful for people struggling with addiction and sleep issues. It can help you identify and change the thoughts and behaviours that are keeping you from sleeping. CBT can also help you develop healthy sleep habits and manage stress.
Realise That It Takes Time & Energy
Most people think that once they’ve decided to quit drinking, the hardest part is over. However, for many people, the detox process can be just as challenging. One of the hardest things to do during detox is get a good night’s sleep. It can be difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep when your body is going through such major changes. However, it is important to get enough sleep during detox so your body can heal and you can start feeling like yourself again.