5 AfterCare Tips for a PRP Treatment
Treatments for hair loss are becoming increasingly popular, with many people looking for ways to try and slow down or stop their hair loss. One of the treatments that are gaining popularity is PRP treatment. PRP, platelet-rich plasma, is a treatment that uses your blood cells to help with healing. The process involves a small injection of blood into the damaged area. Its incredible results can be used for many different injuries and conditions. PRP works perfectly because its growth factors encourage new cell growth for faster healing. Here are some important steps you should take after receiving your Cleburne PRP injection to ensure that your body continues to heal properly and quickly.
- Use Ice Packs
Using ice packs for 2-3 days after a PRP treatment can help reduce inflammation and swelling. They also provide temporary pain relief after treatment. For larger areas, you should apply the ice packs for 15-20 minutes or longer. Afterward, you can take a break for about 20 minutes before reapplying again. It is always best to apply the ice packs continuously until you are done with your treatment sessions.
- Avoid Strenuous Exercises
To maintain your PRP results and accelerate healing, avoid strenuous exercise for 2-3 days in the treatment areas. Exercises such as running or jumping on a trampoline can cause bruising and swelling, affecting your PRP results. You can resume your normal activities or exercises after three or five days. Consult your doctor on which exercise you should avoid immediately after treatment.
- Keep the Treated Area Clean and Dry
After a PRP treatment, avoid washing the treated area with soap or other abrasive products for 72 hours. If you wash the area before then, use gentle cleansers to avoid irritation. Also, avoid using hot water since it can cause the skin to open up and lead to an infection. Avoid harsh chemicals such as bleach or alcohol that may irritate the area after treatment. These products can also lead to discoloration in the treated areas and cause further damage.
- Avoid Sun Exposure
Avoid sun exposure for ten days after your PRP treatment, meaning you should use sunscreen and avoid tanning beds. The other thing to be aware of is that PRP can cause your skin to become more sensitive to the sun. The treatment could make your skin more susceptible to sunburns if you do not use sunscreen or wear protective clothing. If you have a fair skin tone, it would be best to use SPF 30 sunscreen every day after your PRP treatment.
- Avoid Applying Make-up After Treatment
Avoid applying makeup, lotion, ointment, or other products to the treated area for 72 hours after your treatment. This option prevents bruising and swelling caused by these products. You can also develop skin irritation, especially if your PRP treatment is on sensitive areas of your body, such as the face or neck. Consult your doctor on what products you should avoid coming into contact with.
As with any medical procedure, you should follow your doctor’s instructions after your PRP treatment. If you have any questions before and after your PRP treatment, contact Dr. Malouf Dermatology and ask for advice. You can get the look you desire without worrying through a team of certified dermatologists at Dr. Malouf Dermatology. Call the offices today or schedule an appointment online.