4 Important Reasons You Require Regular STD Testing
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are likely far more common than you realize. Nearly 20 million new instances of STDs are diagnosed each year. Because many STDs are asymptomatic, it is possible to have one and be unaware of it. This is why regular STD testing is critical. Here are some common reasons why STD testing Chapel Hill is crucial.
- Since not all STIs cause symptoms
Many people avoid being examined because they have no symptoms. However, STDs may not always induce symptoms. Being symptom-free does not mean you do not have an STD. Even if you’re asymptomatic, you can still transmit an STD to others. One of the best methods to avoid passing an STD on to your partner is to obtain a test and, if necessary, treatment.
- Take charge of your sexual health
STD testing allows you to take complete control of your sexual life. No matter what your relationship or sexual situation is, regular STD testing and safe sex techniques put you in control. Also, you will be able to make informed decisions regarding your sexual health.
- STDs that go untreated can have long-term consequences
Even if there are no immediate symptoms, an untreated STD can create long-term health concerns. In females, gonorrhea and chlamydia, for example, can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This illness can induce scarring in the fallopian tubes, resulting in infertility or ectopic pregnancy. Many STDs can be treated if detected early before they create permanent issues.
- Even virgins can get an STD
You might get an STD if you’re in a romantic relationship or have had sexual contact with someone else. Many of the most prevalent STDs are easily transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Just because your partner has never had vaginal intercourse doesn’t mean they can’t have an STD.
What to do when you test positive for a sexually transmitted disease
You must see your doctor for treatment if you get a positive STI test result. Also, notify any recent sexual partners, as some STDs might be passed back and forth. It’s an excellent idea to consider how you want to inform your partners — while factoring in safety if that is a concern. For instance, a face-to-face conversation can be important for some partners, but for others, it could pose harm if the other has a history of emotional or physical aggressiveness.
Additionally, if you choose a face-to-face conversation, you should have appropriate information and resources. This allows you to address concerns and discuss issues with your partner, such as treatment choices, dangers, incubation periods, etc.
STDs are prevalent, and testing is commonly available. The tests may vary depending on which STDs your specialist is checking for. Talk with a clinician about your sexual history and inquire which tests you should have. Your doctor can assist you in understanding the potential advantages and risks of various STD tests.
Also, your specialist can suggest ideal treatment choices if you test positive for any STDs. Call Carolina Urgent Care or book your appointment online to learn more about STDs and being tested for them.