When Should You Consider Disc Replacement Surgery?
Disc replacement surgery is a procedure that rectifies chronic back pain due to spinal disc damage. You should consider disc replacement Dayton if conservative treatment methods for back pain are ineffective. The procedure can alleviate the pain and improve your everyday interactions.
Who is the right candidate?
You are the right candidate for disc replacement surgery if you have chronic back pain due to herniated or bulging discs. If you have undergone other conservative types of treatment but were unfruitful. However, if you have osteoporosis or spinal stenosis, you might not make a good candidate for the procedure. Osteoporosis does not provide enough bone to support an artificial disc replacement.
Why might you need disc replacement surgery?
If you have degenerative disc disease causing back pain that affects your daily life, you might need disc replacement surgery. Your specialist will assess your spine and locate the source of your pain. They might recommend surgery if the pain comes from one or two discs in your lower spine.
Another reason you should have the procedure is if the pain travels down your limbs. Painful limbs can affect everyday activities, including walking, leading to unnecessary weight gain because of lack of exercise. Once you experience debilitating back pain, contact your doctor for assessment.
Diagnosis and what to expect during the process
During the consultation, your doctor will review your medical history and discuss any previous treatments you have undergone. Your specialist might perform a physical examination or order imaging tests like X-rays, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. After the imaging results, your specialist can recommend the most suitable treatment.
During the surgery, your specialist will determine what type of anesthesia is appropriate for the treatment. Once the anesthetic is administered and taken effect, your surgeon will make an incision on your abdomen to access your spine. They will remove damaged tissues, replace the disc, and close the wound.
Your recovery will depend on two surgical sites, your spine and the incision on your abdomen. You will require dressing changes to keep the incision site clean and prevent infections. You can take over-the-counter medications for pain. If you are immobile, it is crucial to have a family member or friend to help you with basic needs like meal preparation and your medications.
Your surgeon might recommend resting for the first few weeks to help your body heal quickly. After a few weeks, your surgeon might recommend physical rehabilitation to help your body regain strength and function and prevent stiff muscles. Physical therapy can also help your body adapt to the new disc.
Risks and complications of disc replacement
You can experience the following complications following disc replacement surgery:
- Infection
- Increased stiffness of the spine
- The replaced disc can dislocate or dislodge
- Spinal stenosis
If you have chronic back pain due to degenerative disc disease or aging, visit Vertrae® for treatment. You will meet qualified and friendly spine specialists ready to offer personalized treatment after an extensive evaluation. Call or book your appointment online to improve your quality of life.