Describing Dental Crowns
You might profit from restorative dental care if your teeth have aesthetic or structural damage. There are several applications for dental crown implants high point nc that could improve your smile.
If your dentist in Coconut Creek, Florida, advises getting dental crowns, you can feel anxious about the treatment. Dental anxiety can be reduced by being aware of what to expect.
Dental Crowns: How Can They Help Me?
A dental crown is a ceramic cap that covers a specific tooth to improve your appearance and protect it from external stimuli. Dental crowns specifically assist with the following problems:
- Replace any worn enamel.
- Take care of advanced tooth decay
- Brighten stained teeth
- Fix teeth that are fractured, chipped, or cracked.
- After dental surgery, shield the teeth.
Your dental crown could be a standalone tool or a component of some other restorative dental procedure. After reviewing your dental health and medical history, your dentist can decide if this is the best course of action for your particular dental needs.
What are the different types?
The appearance, durability, and cost of the resources needed to produce the tooth caps vary. They include the following:
- Crowns are solely made of metal.
These crowns are offered in platinum, gold, or silver metal compositions. Metal is typically robust and can withstand biting force and chewing.
- Ceramic or just porcelain
These crowns give a seamless look and are tooth-colored.
- Porcelain-fused-to-Metal
Porcelain-fused-to-metal materials combine the strength of metal with the beauty of porcelain.
- Resin-only crowns
The lowest-priced crowns are entirely resin or composite manufactured. They are not, unfortunately, as sturdy compared to the other crowns.
- Crowns in stainless steel
These dental office-prefabricated crowns are frequently employed as a stopgap remedy.
How Does The Procedure Work?
If you and your dentist believe you could benefit from a dental crown, your dentist would first construct the crown using 3D images of your smile. It will be created in a dental lab using your teeth’ dimensions, contours, and shade.
You must visit the dentist once more to get the crown fitted. For comfort, the dentist will administer a topical anesthetic before removing some enamel from your tooth to make way for the cap.
After that, the cap is put over the damaged tooth and fastened with dental bonding. Following your surgery, you can immediately resume your regular activities.
What Results Should I Aim For?
After this operation, your dentist might advise not eating for at least an hour to allow the crown to adhere properly to your tooth. Your crown will start to restore your health right away.
Your dental crown may last fifteen years with proper care. You should schedule an immediate appointment with your dentist to get the crown fixed if it cracks or becomes loose.